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Monday December 22, 2014 at 7:30PM
Party Room 2nd Floor
The Board and Management addressed questions and comments from Owners present.
The Board President called the meeting to order and confirmed a quorum of the Board was present. All Board Members were present, George Pauley, President; Michael Parrie, Vice President; Thomas Wartowski, 2nd Vice President; Betty Terry-Lundy, Seceretary; David Nicosia, Treasurer. Also present from management, Dave Barnhart, DK Condo Supervisor; Tim Patricio, Property Manager.
Board Report
Board President George Pauley thanked the Ad-hoc Committees for their work in presenting recommendations to be considered at tonight’s meeting.
Action Items – New Business
Motions from Closed Session
After a motion by Mike Parrie and second by George Pauley, the Board approved a resolution fining $1000 against an owner found in violation of the Disturbances and Unlawful Behavior sections of the rules; George Pauley, Dave Nicosia and Michael Parrie voted in favor, Betty Terry-Lundy and Tom Wartowski voted against. George Pauley explained (for the benefit of the owners present at the meeting) the owner was convicted of charges stemming from the incident where a guest of the building was apparently physically assaulted by the owner and the Board felt the amount of the fine was necessary and warranted against the owner in question due to the nature of the violation.
After a motion by Mike Parrie and second by Dave Nicosia, the Board unanimously approved a resolution fining $100 against 22 owners who have not provided the Association with proof of adequate insurance coverage in violation of the “Insurance; the fine will double each month until proof is provided to be capped at $1000 per the Rules and Regulations; Management will provide contacts for the most common contacts in the building for typical insurance carriers.
After a motion by Mike Parrie and second by Betty Terry-Lundy, the Board unanimously approved a resolution fining $100 against 38 owners who have not provided the Association with proof of the presence of an operational smoke detector in violation of the “Maintenance” section in the rules and Chicago Municipal Code; the fine will double each month until an operational smoke detector is installed, inspected and confirmed by the Association’s maintenance staff.
After a motion by Mike Parrie and second by Dave Nicosia, the Board approved a resolution authorizing a performance bonus for an employee. George Pauley, Dave Nicosia, Tom Wartowski and Michael Parrie voted in favor, Betty Terry-Lundy voted against.
Minutes December 8, 2014 – After a motion by Betty Terry-Lundy and second by Dave Nicosia, the Board unanimously passed a resolution approving the minutes from the Board Meeting held on December 8, 2014, submitted by Mavis Mather, Assistant Manager.
Rules and Regulations Committee Chairman – After a motion by Michael Parrie, seconded by Dave Nicosia the board unanimously passed a resolution appointing Chuck O’Bringer to be the Chairperson of the Park Tower Rules and Regulations Committee.
Board President George Pauley expressed a “BIG thank you” to the former Chairman John Spatuzza for his “many, many years of service” both as Committee chair and a member. He noted John will continue on as a member.
News and Social Media Committee Member – After a motion by Dave Nicosia, seconded by Betty Terry-Lundy, the board unanimously passed a resolution appointing Christopher Hinckley as a member of the News and Social Media Committee.
Service Animal Request – After a motion by Dave Nicosia, seconded by George Pauley and discussion, the Board approved a resolution to approve the request by a Unit Owner to accommodate a Service Animal as defined by the Association’s ‘Service Animal Policy’ in the Rules and Regulations and consistent with advice of legal counsel. George Pauley, Dave Nicosia and Michael Parrie voted in favor; Betty Terry-Lundy abstained; Tom Wartowski voted against.
Construction Requests – After a motion by Michael Parrie seconded by George Pauley, the Board unanimously approved a resolution authorizing the remodeling of units 2706, 4610, and 4801 as submitted by the unit owners, following the recommendations of the chief engineer as outlined in their written specifications and in accordance with the Rules and Regulations and remodeling guidelines of the Park Tower Condo Association.”
Rental Policy – After a motion by George Pauley, second by Dave Nicosia and discussion, the Board of Directors approved a resolution instructing Management to distribute Proposed Amendments to the Rules and Regulations related to rental policy, for 30 day review by the Unit Owners, and scheduled a Special Meeting of the Unit Owners to discuss the proposed amendments, to be held following the Special Meeting to review the Proposed Budget, on January 26th, 2015 at 7:30PM. George Pauley, Dave Nicosia, Betty Terry-Lundy and Michael Parrie voted in favor; Tom Wartowski voted against.
It was noted that Property Manager Tim Patricio would integrate the proposed policies into the body of the proposed rules amendment document, for placement and consistency with the balance of the Rules and Regulations handbook. He will contact Committee Chair Jean Shamo and Board President George Pauley for final review before printing and mailing.
Review Proposed Rules and Regulations Amendments with Ad-Hoc Committee – After a motion by Michael Parrie, second by Dave Nicosia and discussion, the Board of Directors approved a resolution instructing Management to distribute Proposed Amendments to the Rules and Regulations handbook, for 30 day review by the Unit Owners, and scheduled a Special Meeting of the Unit Owners to discuss the proposed amendments, to be held following the Special Meeting to review the Proposed Budget, on January 26th, 2015 at 7:30PM; also with regard to the construction rules it would be edited to clarify the deposit is refundable and that hallway doors may not be relocated, and with regard to the rules handbook, dock parking will be increased from 30 minutes to one hour. George Pauleiy, Dave Nicosia and Michael Parrie voted in favor; Tom Wartowski and Betty Terry-Lundy voted against.
Approval to Adjourn – After a motion by Dave Nicosia seconded by George Pauley the Board voted unanimously to approve a resolution to adjourn the meeting at 8:44PM.
The Board and Management addressed questions and comments from Owners present.
Next Meeting Date: January 12, 2014
NOTE: The “Post Meeting Round Up” are neither official meeting minutes, nor are they intended as a replacement of actual meeting minutes for Board Meetings. The minutes of any given meeting are typically not available until after they are reviewed and approved by the Board, which usually occurs at the next scheduled meeting. Rather, the round up is a review of the activity and business considered at the meeting as observed by management, provided as a courtesy and convenience to Owners.