Garbage Chute Do’s And Don’ts
January 30, 2025
Help Reduce Odors And Stop Flying Debris
Please Dispose Of Waste Properly, And Use The Garbage Chute Responsibly Do’s, Don’ts and Reminders
- PROPERLY SECURE CHUTE WASTE – All garbage placed in the chute must be properly secured in appropriate bags intended or strong enough to secure the enclosed waste. Doing this will help prevent debris from flying out of the chute, and reduce odors caused by unsecured food waste and other perishables.
- NO SHREDDED PAPER IN CHUTE – Do not dump shredded paper and documents down the chute. As with other waste, please properly secure it in an appropriate bag.

- NO UNBAGGED, EXCESSIVE, BULKY OR HEAVY ITEMS – Heavy and bulky items, large belongings, appliances, carpeting, ceramics, construction debris, buckets, paint cans, furniture, glass and cardboard boxes are prohibited.

- RECYCLING IS CONSIDERED MANDATORY – Clean cardboard, glass, metals and appropriate plastics must be discarded in the recycling dumpsters or receptacles intended for recyclables, pursuant to the City of Chicago Recycling Ordinance.
View Recyclables
- FOR LOOSE ITEMS, LARGER WASTE & RECYCLING – There are two large dumpsters in the back driveway adjacent to the loading dock and park, available for larger materials. One is intended for Recycling and one is available for waste that cannot go down the chute.

- FOR RECYCLING ON 1P and 2P – There is one larger Recycling dumpster in the 1P garage across from the attendant’s office, there are recycling bins in the laundry room along the counter under the bulletin boards, and Recycling bins in the Service Area on 2P just outside Service Elevators 5 & 6.

- DO NOT LEAVE ANYTHING ON THE FLOOR – Neither in the hallways nor the service areas. This is prohibited by the City of Chicago Fire Code and goes for any materials – waste, garbage bags, furniture, boxes, containers, water bottles, personal belongings, etc.

- COMPOSTING BINS ARE AVAILABLE – BlockBins Composting service is available to residents, free of charge. Contact the office for sign-up instructions. (see below)

- FEES FOR VIOLATIONS – Not properly removing waste and recyclable materials can result in a minimum $60 service charge and $500 waste removal fee.
If there is anything you are not certain how to handle or you need more information on what is or is not recyclable, OR if you observe problems with your floors chute, chute door or find debris in the hallway or service area, feel free to contact our team in the Management Office at 773-769-3250, or by e-mail at