Events Calendar
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OWNER FORUM – 7:30pm 15 minutes, 2 minutes per person
The Board and Management will address questions and feedback from Unit Owners.
OPEN SESSION – Call to Order
The meeting chair will call the meeting to order. Please be courteous – no audience participation is permitted. If applicable, speakers will be recognized by the Meeting Chair.
Roll Call – Confirm Quorum
The meeting chair will confirm a quorum of Board Member is present. Board Members and representatives from Management will be introduced.
Committee Reports
Committees will be invited to deliver updates to the Board on business and activities.
Board Report: Board President Michael Parrie
The meeting chair may make comments or provide updates on Association business and activities or otherwise address the Board and Owners present.
Action Items – New Business
This agenda item is provided for any resolutions proposed resulting from Closed Session discussion.
Attached to the report for Board Member review, are the proposed minutes from the Board Meetings held on Monday November 14, 2016, and Saturday November 19th, as submitted by Timothy Patricio, Property Manager.
A sample motion follows to approve the minutes for November 14th: “I move the Board of Directors approves the minutes from the Board Meeting held on Monday November 14, 2016.”
A sample motion follows to approve the minutes for November 19th: “I move the Board of Directors approves the minutes from the Board Meeting held on Saturday November 19, 2016.”
Attached to the report for Board review is the revised proposed budget, with changes consistent with discussion at the November 5th, 12th and 19th Board of Directors meetings with Budget & Finance Committee Members. Key changes from the original proposed budget are as follows:
We suggest the Board accept the proposed budget and ask that it be distributed for Unit Owner review.
A sample motion follows: “I move the Board of Directors accepts the proposed budget for the 2017/2018 fiscal year and directs it be mailed out to Unit Owners for the statutory 30 day review period.”
Assuming the Board approves mailing of the budget for Unit Owner’s 30 day review period, due to the timing, we suggest adoption of the budget be considered at the Board Meeting scheduled for Monday January 23rd, 2017. Management will aim for the mailing to be completed by December 23rd.
The Board should also consider scheduling a meeting of the ownership (between now and adoption of the budget) for Unit Owners to discuss and ask questions about the budget. At least 10 days but no more than 30 day notice of such a meeting is needed. Timing of the mailing of the budget for the 30 day review can be such that notice for the Special Meeting be included. For that reason, we suggest the meeting be scheduled to be held in tandem with the Board Meeting scheduled for Monday January 9th.
A sample motion follows: “I move the Board of Directors schedules a Special Meeting of the Unit Owners to discuss the proposed budget for the 2017/2018 fiscal year, to be held the same evening of the Board Meeting scheduled for Monday January 9th, 2017 at 7:30pm.”
The Board should consider formally accepting the proposed amendments for distribution and consideration by Unit Owners.
A sample motion follows: “I move the Board of Directors accepts the recommended proposed Amendments to the Declaration, as presented by the Ad-hoc Commission to Review the Declaration and Bylaws and revised by the Board of Directors in consultation with legal counsel, as set forth in counsel’s document #CPA73:00100\2903300.3, and that said amendments be distributed to the Unit Owners for approval.”
The Board should consider formally accepting the proposal to purchase Unit 12c and posing the question to Unit Owners for a vote.
A sample motion follows: “I move the Board of Directors accepts the recommendation of the Ad-hoc Commission to Review the Declaration and Bylaws to purchase the Unit known as 12c, also known as suite 112 located in the mall, and if it deems prudent subsequent sale of Unit 12c, both on such terms and conditions as the Board deems prudent in the exercise of its judgment, and that a meeting of the unit owners be called no later than _______, 2016 to vote on the proposed purchase of said unit.”
This Agenda item is provided to allow for discussion on distribution and presentation of the proposed Amendments to the Declaration, and the measure for purchase of Unit 12c. To begin with, we suggest the Board consider a reasonable timeframe as a goal to share with owners, and scheduling at least one or two meetings for opportunities for Owners to meet with the Board, ask questions and raise awareness.
Also, we suggest the measures include a simple but clear cover letter, prefacing the proposals and giving the Unit Owners instructions for voting and returning their documentation. To supplement this, following distribution, volunteers could be recruited to contact owners, answer questions and encourage individuals to cast their vote and return the necessary documents.
Any motions for resolutions which may be needed can be proposed at the meeting. Motions should include any proposed meeting dates, allocation of resources, and calls for volunteers to assist in the process.
Recently Unit Owner William Kay announced his resignation from the Green Committee. With Monique’s election to the Board, that leaves 3 members from two units on the Committee. The remaining members have inquired a number of times about whether they will be meeting and continuing to pursue any activities, but it is pretty clear without more members, there is little the Committee can do functionally and efficiently. They are interested in continuing to be active, to the best of our knowledge.
At our November 29th recycling presentation, we had 26 owners and residents present, and there did seem to be interest in the Association doing more as a community to participate in and promote sustainability. As Management has suggested in the past, we are very willing to participate in campaigns, projects and improvements. We will continue our Annual Green Week event, and will happily schedule more activities such as the Recycling presentation. But we have very little time for leg work and research into other efforts, and need more Board assistance or resident volunteers if we are going to pursue much else proactively.
This Agenda item is provided for discussion so we can respond to the remaining Committee Members. Does the Association want to continue the Green Committee and its efforts at looking into sustainability activities and efforts? Can we urge Owners and residents for more participation?
Attached to the report for Board Member review is a request from a Unit Owner to waive the Garage Power Wash fee of $50. The owner advises they will be out of the country during the cleaning. Unfortunately, as the letter explains, they cannot arrange to have the vehicle moved because it is operated by a “special chip”. Apparently this chip allows only the owner to operate the vehicle and no one else.
The $50 fee is charged if a resident does not move their vehicle on the scheduled dates for cleaning the location they are parked in. As the Owner’s letter indicates, the car in question was not moved. If the Board wishes to consider waiving the fee, we suggest the idea of the “special chip” be explored further, as this would set a precedent for anyone with this type of technology. It could pose problems in the future. For that reason, the Board could request the owner provide documentation regarding the chip as due diligence to understand the nature of the technology and why the vehicle could not be moved.
A sample motion follows: “I move the Board of Directors agrees to a Unit Owner’s request to waive the Garage Power Wash Fee after not moving a vehicle in time for cleaning, if the Unit Owner provides documentation regarding the ‘special chip’ confirming it prevented the vehicle from being moved, and referred to in the Unit Owner’s request.”
Following a discussion with the Board President, and in response to multiple incidences of garbage being left in hallways and the service areas – including recyclable materials, boxes and bags of household waste, etc. – we would like to propose the Board authorize an escalated service fee be charged, when such waste be identified as coming from a particular unit. Typically we charge the minimum work order fee of $40. And if it happens multiple times from the same unit, we will escalate the situation to the Rules Committee.
However, some residents, on certain floors have become crafty by removing labels from boxes and otherwise making it difficult to identify the source. On a handful of floors in particular it has become rampant. We are working internally to strengthen our efforts to identify the source units, but we propose the Board add muscle to the procedure by creating a Garbage Removal Fee. We suggest $500. Notices we issue as a part of our prevention effort will advise residents of this fee, which we believe will help prevent it from happening in the first place.
Should a unit be identified more than once as having improperly disposed of garbage or left garbage sitting in the service area or hallway, the fee would be charged to the owner, and the matter would still be referred to the Rules Committee.
A sample motion follows: “I move the Board of Directors authorizes a $500 fee be charged to Unit Owners whose unit is identified as the source of any waste, garbage or recyclable materials improperly disposed of.”
This Agenda item is provided for review of the status of proposals from AT&T and RCN to install fiber networks in the building. We have a pending revised proposal from AT&T to consider, and we have sample materials for the Board to look at. Also, we expect a proposal to be forthcoming from RCN to replace the existing RG6 cable network with dedicated fiber lines.
Any motions for resolutions which may be need can be proposed at the meeting.
Attached to the report for Board Member review are remodeling packets for the following Unit Owner construction projects:
1001 – Guest Bathroom Remodel
1609/1610 – Combining Units and Remodeling with Hard Flooring
A sample motion follows: “I move the Board of Directors approves the remodeling plans of units 1001 and 1609/1610, as submitted by the unit owner, following the recommendations of the chief engineer as outlined in their written specifications and in accordance with the Rules and Regulations and remodeling guidelines of the Park Tower Condo Association.”
Business Reports
Treasurer’s Report
Fund Balances End of October 2016
Operating Funds $394,749 (decrease of $108,493 from September)
Reserve Funds $1,980,897 (increase of $109,069 from September)
Total Cash and Investments $2,375,646 (increase of $76,309 from September)
October Income and Expenses
Total October Income: $475,339
Total October Expenses: $337,532
Income From Garage: $26,706
Contribution To Reserve: $122,742
Total Surplus or (Deficit): $41,771
Management Report
There being no further business, the Board will consider adjourning the meeting.
A sample motion follows: “I move the Board of Directors adjourns the December 12, 2016 Board Meeting at _ _ PM.”
OWNER FORUM – 15 minutes, 2 minutes per person
Next Meeting Dates January 9th and 23rd. Residents forum February 6th.