Events Calendar
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This year an election will be held to fill two (2) positions for two (2) year terms on the Board of Directors. Your current Board Members are:
Terms Expiring June 2016
David Nicosia
Betty Terry-Lundy
Terms Expiring June 2017
Michael Parrie
George Pauley
Jean Shamo
Unit Owners who feel they can make a beneficial contribution to the Association as a member of the Board of Directors are encouraged to become a nominee. You need only be a Unit Owner of record and complete a “Candidate Application” to participate. (click here to request an application) Candidates are asked to submit a one-page resume, and review the “Board Election Rules” below.
Declarations of candidacy must be submitted on the official Candidate Application Form no later than 5:00PM, Friday, May 13, 2016, to the Park Tower Management Office. After confirmation of ownership status by the Association’s legal counsel, these owners will be formally recognized as candidates of record.
Forms received by the May 13th deadline will be distributed to Unit Owners via US Mail along with the formal Annual Meeting Notice, agenda and a proxy form with the candidates of record listed. These candidates will be invited to speak with owners at Meet the Candidate Events, scheduled for Saturday June 4th at 11am and Wednesday June 8th at 7pm in the Party Room. Check bulletin boards throughout Park Tower and the online calendar ( for schedule changes.
Candidates of record will be invited to address a set of questions prepared by the News & Social Media Committee. Responses will be the subject of an article in the next issue of TowerTalk and posted on the website at This invitation, along with the questions, will be extended to each candidate of record on Saturday, May 14th, with responses requested in writing via letter or e-mail by Wednesday of the following week, May 18th.
Candidate Forms received after the May 13th, 5pm deadline will be reviewed and confirmed by counsel for ownership status, and available for Unit Owners at the Annual Meeting on Monday June 13th. Nominations for additional candidates can be called for from the floor at the Annual Meeting.
We encourage your participation in the election and attendance at the Annual Meeting. Please contact the Management Office if you have any questions at 773-769-3250 or via e-mail at Also, visit the website at for the latest PTCA news, updates, notices and announcements, including the latest election details.
Timothy Patricio
Property Manager
Park Tower Condominium Association
In addition to the matters described herein, the Illinois Condominium Property Act (765 ILCS 605/), as well as Articles “II” through “V” of the Condominium Association Bylaws, contain additional provisions relating to condominium association annual meetings, board elections, and voting rights.
Each year in June, an annual meeting of the owners will be scheduled, at which the election for vacancies on the board will be held. Only one owner per unit may serve on the board at any one time. Same rule applies to units occupied by multiple owners.
All eligible members who desire to be a candidate must be given an equal opportunity to run. Prospective candidates have three ways to obtain the nomination. First, owners have the opportunity to submit a self- nomination via the Candidate Information form distributed by the association. If submitted to the management office by the deadline, the owner’s name will appear on the proxy mailed to all residents before the election and the annual meeting ballot. Second, a self-nomination via the candidate information form received after the deadline and before the annual meeting may be submitted; however, the candidates name will not appear on the proxy form or annual meeting ballot. And third, nomination submissions after the deadline may be accepted from the floor at the annual meeting.
Candidates shall be allowed to promote their candidacy for election and distribute campaign materials to unit owners by U.S. postal service and during “Meet the Candidate” events organized by the association. For a fee, a list of unit owner addresses will be made available to unit owners by request for distributing candidate information and campaign materials.
The following actions by candidates and supporters is strictly prohibited:
Candidate’s election while on any common elements or other association property, including but not limited to, the building’s residential hallways and doorways, lobby, health club, laundry room, garage, elevators, stairs and common areas within the mall.
The association will participate in and promote the election process including the following: issuing a preliminary notice calling for nominees by way of a candidate information form which includes a statement signed by the candidate agreeing to abide by the election rules; issuing a formal notice with a meeting agenda, election rules and proxy listing the candidates, scheduling “Meet the Candidates” events; coordinating the annual meeting and election; and engaging a third party election auditor to count the proxies and ballots.
It is prohibited for campaign literature or communications to represent or imply any direct or indirect connection with, or approval of, the association, the board or the managing agent, other than to indicate service on the association’s board and/or committees. It is suggested that all campaign materials (including materials distributed by U.S. Postal Service) clearly identify its author or source.
Campaign related complaints shall be submitted in writing to the management office, to be forwarded to the Board of Directors to decide upon an action to be taken. Candidates found in violation may be fined or disqualified from the election. If the Board determines the violation warrants disqualification, the violator will withdraw from the election and all votes for that candidate whether by proxy or ballot will not be recognized. Disqualification will only be considered for serious or repeated violations of the rules which disenfranchise other candidates, such as but not limited to altering proxies, making door to door solicitations or collecting proxies or distributing campaign materials in the common areas after being warned by the Association not to.
Only one voter per unit is allowed to vote and the number of votes is based on the number of vacant board positions. Owners may either vote in person at the annual meeting, or by proxy. The owner may designate an alternate person or “proxy” to cast vote(s) by indicating the individual’s name on the proxy form. A proxy may be revoked by written notice to the board, signed by the unit owner(s). A proxy or ballot post-dating any other proxy, signed by the unit owner can also invalidate a pre-dated proxy. The association will be bound by the designation made in the most recent and unrevoked proxy or ballot, and has no responsibility to reconcile disputes between owners and alternates.
Elections for Board Members shall be conducted by secret ballot. The voting ballot shall be marked only with the percentage of ownership interest for the Unit and the vote itself. The Board shall maintain an accurate master registration list of all Unit Owners and their percentage of ownership in the Association. Each ballot will have a code referencing the particular unit on the registration list for verification purposes by the election tabulators (auditing firm hired by the Board).
The election tabulators shall be responsible for distributing ballots to the Unit Owners or their proxy holders at the Annual Meeting. A ballot shall be issued following verification that the person requesting a ballot is a Unit Owner or the proxy holder of a Unit Owner. Every Unit Owner voting in person and every proxy holder shall present picture identification at the time they request a ballot. If the Unit Owner voting by proxy does not designate an individual on their ballot as proxy holder, the election tabulator shall be considered the proxy holder and exercise their vote as specified on the proxy.
The master registration list shall be kept at each election and marked when a ballot is issued for a Unit. The list shall also be marked to indicate whether the ballot for a Unit was given to the Unit Owner, to the proxy holder, or if the election tabulator exercised the vote as specified on the proxy.
Voting will be conducted exclusively by means of the secret ballot or by proxy. Ballots will only be available at the annual meeting, and shall be completed and submitted in person at the annual meeting. Ballots or proxies received after the close of voting will not be counted.
Ballots and redacted proxies may be examined only after the election tabulator has certified the results of the election, and after receipt of a written request for review of documentation, consistent with any rules or procedures in place at the time of the election. (Proxies may be examined only after the unit owner name, unit number and signature has been redacted.) In order to expedite the counting of the votes, the election tabulator will not respond to inquiries from candidates or candidate representatives until after the counting of all of the votes have been completed.