Events Calendar
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A signed copy of these and all minutes going back to the 1980’s are available from the Management Office upon request.
In Attendance
Bob Pierce, President; Phoebe Helm, 1st Vice President; Sandra Goldberg, 2ndVice President; Mary McQuillan, Property Supervisor; Christina Epple, Property Manager; Mavis Mather, Assistant Manager
Herbert Hellauer, Treasurer
Time meeting started (6:42 p.m.)
Unit Owner Comments Regarding Agenda
Lorraine Meyer – Is the pool project on schedule and can we expect to begin using it in December? The pool will be finished by the December 15th completion date. When will the work on the garage handicap ramps begin? The ADA committee will be meeting with the architect for this project on Thursday at 7:00am. When will the front circle drive project begin?The same architect is working on the front drive and this will also be discussed in the Thursday meeting.
Miriam Moss – In item 5 does HCM stand for the Health Club, there was no explanation in the packet? Yes. Page C14 of the Declarations state that the only designees that can use the Health Club other than the unit owners are owners of condominium units located in the buildings to the north. The Board thanked Mrs. Moss for her comment and will take it into consideration later in the meeting
Ron Moss – Will the Board consider having a time in the meeting that is allowed for back and forth discussion of the items with residents before action is taken? The Board thanked Mr. Moss for his comment and will take it into consideration for future meetings.
Susan Pestine – Why are we not going to allow car washes anymore and why can’t we go back to the way that things were done prior to the garage project? The Board thanked Ms. Pestine for her comment on car washing and will take it into consideration later in the meeting. The timetable for man power was approved in this year’s budget and Standard Parking is responsible for scheduling the employees to meet this budget.
Ruth Posternack – The unit owners were told that the Association was responsible for the scheduling in the garage and that only having one person on duty in the morning is not adequate for the traffic. The Board thanked Ms. Posternack for her comment and reiterated that Standard Parking establishes the garage hiker schedule.
Minutes October 23, 2006
Upon due motion by Sandra Goldberg and seconded by Phoebe Helm, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the October 23, 2006 Board Meeting with corrections and to approve corrections to the previously approved minutes of the October 10, 2006 meeting to clarify the electric price of $0.0524 as being per kWh, exclusive of transportation costs..
HVAC and Plumbing Risers
Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Sandra Goldberg, the Board voted unanimously to direct Management to seek out competitive bids from three vendors to assess the condition of the HVAC and plumbing risers for a cost not to exceed $1,500.00.
Car Wash
Upon due motion by Sandra Goldberg and seconded by Phoebe Helm, the Board voted to overturn the resolution made on January 24, 2005 that allowed garage patrons to wash their cars in the garage. Due to the work that was recently done to the membrane the Board voted unanimously to overturn the car wash resolution.
Holiday Party
Upon due motion by Sandra Goldberg and seconded by Phoebe Helm, the Board voted to allot additional funds outside of the approved budget constraints to the Social Committee to host a Holiday Party. Bob Pierce, Phoebe Helm, and Sandra Goldberg voted against this motion because the Board had approved a budget without this expense. The motion failed.
HCM Benefit to Employees
Upon due motion by Sandra Goldberg and seconded by Phoebe Helm, the Board voted to reinstate Health Club benefits to the employees of the building. Sandra Goldberg voted in favor, Bob Pierce and Phoebe Helm voted against as this motion would go against the Declarations of the Condominium.
Owner Requests to Remodel – units 608 and 2004
Upon due motion by Sandra Goldberg and seconded by Phoebe Helm, the Board voted unanimously to approve the remodeling of units 608, and 2004 as submitted by the owners, following the recommendations of the Chief Engineer as outlined in his written specifications and in accordance with the Rules and Regulations and remodeling guidelines of the Park Tower Condo Association.
Treasurers Report (Mary McQuillan)
According to the October 31, 2006 Financial Statements the total operating funds were $269,384. The total replacement reserve funds were $1,620,521. The total of all cash and investments was $1,889,905.
Management Report (Christina Epple)
The engineer from WJE has submitted the report for the structural integrity of the pool. This report includes both chemical and structural tests that were preformed. Management has been meeting with both WJE and Chicago Tank Lining to review the results of the testing. The cracking in the shallow end of the pool is from a thin layer of fiberglass being pulled down by the weight of the water. This is a cosmetic problem that will be corrected. The cracking in the deep end is a structural problem with the concrete. The solution is to add silicon to the cracks and apply fiberglass filler that will move independently from the structure. Every 3-5 years the pool will need to be drained and this work preformed. Even with the extra work the project will be completed by the December 15th date. Wednesday Hart Pool and Spa will begin the work on the Jacuzzi. The Board will need to pick out a tile for the surround quickly.
Board Report (Bob Pierce)
The used office furniture was donated from Draper and Kramer. The corporate office is being renovated and the furniture was offered for the price of picking it up and transporting it to Park Tower. Sandra Goldberg stated that she was not informed of DK’s gift either prior to or after the furniture had been accepted. Sandra Goldberg stated that she learned of the acceptance of DK’s gift from management’s posting regarding the noise on Sunday due to the assemblage of the new furniture. Sandra Goldberg stated this issue was never discussed by the entire Board neither at an open meeting nor in closed session. If there had been a vote, Sandra Goldberg stated that she would have voted against accepting this gift from DK because she felt it was a conflict of interest to accept a gift from a company whose contract is up for renewal. Bob Pierce stated that the furniture had been given with no strings attached. Lorraine Meyer asked if the Association had to return the furniture if DK’s contract was not renewed. Bob Pierce said no.
ASCO Update (Lorraine Meyers)
ASCO will be meeting on Monday. The fence has gone up around the Saddle and Cycle Club parking lot. This work does not include building and did not need to be presented to the Planning and Zoning Committee.
Health Club Committee (Richard Damashek)
The Health Club Committee would like the Board to consider the following items: removing the wooden ladder from the exercise and replacing it with a metal ladder; to have a study done of the electrical issues in the cardio room; to install a floor to ceiling mirror to cover the window in the free weight; to move the air conditioner to the middle window to allow for better circulation; to change the camera in the exercise room to view more than the door; to add a sign to the exercise room that the room is monitored by video surveillance; and to add the A/C from the exercise room into the cardio room.
The Board has appointed Phoebe Helm as the Health Club Liaison until the Board vacancy has been filled.
Unit Owner Open Comments and Questions
Ruth Posternack – Can the Health Club Attendants jump in the pool to cool off when it is 95 degrees? The Health Club Attendance can still enter the pool to clean it as their duties require.
Don Yurkovic – Why can we not allow the employees to use the Health Club? The Declarations of the building do not allow it. If the Board intentionally violates the declarations then we will not be covered by our insurance policy.
Terry Betty-Lundy – In the late 80’s and early 90’s the Board offered a discount to the employees to join the Health Club, can this be done? The Declarations state that only unit owners and designated owners may become members of the Health Club.
Vince DiFruscio – Is there anyway that we could rewrite the Declarations and send it to the owners as part of the general election? The Board will consider this option. Will the Board be holding any Town Hall Meetings, they were originally to be held once a quarter? The Board will not be having any Town Hall Meetings until after the Budget and Holidays have past. Phoebe Helm would like to reiterate that the open comments and questions portion of the meeting is held for residents to inquire about anything happening in the building.
Mary Ann Kinney – The laundry has not been wringing out properly and was very wet in machines 22 and 23? Management will call Universal Laundries for further maintenance.
Don Yurkovic – When does the laundry contract expire? In 2008.
Lorraine Meyers – Is the report about the pool tests available for future reference? There is a copy that is on file in the management office and a copy on file in the maintenance office.
Terry Gorman – Are solicitations for the Holiday Fund going to be sent out? The Board will be sending out the Holiday Fund notice to owners. How does the Holiday Fund Work and what is the range of donations? There is a spreadsheet that calculates what percentage of the overall fund is distributed based on salary, seniority. Donations range from $2.00 to $200.00.
Patricia Buck – Can we make better use of channel 95 and leave memos by the mail boxes rather than by the Front Desk? Management will look into getting vertical holders for building memos to place by the mail boxes. The Board created a committee to investigate different ways to communicate information to residents. Channel 95 is very limited as to what can be listed.
Terry Gorman – Is there a way to add Health Club Memberships to the assessments and be billed every month rather than in one lump sum? Management will look into how this could be done.
Approval Closed Session
Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Sandra Goldberg the Board voted unanimously to suspend the November Board meeting to allow for an executive session of the Board of Directors to discuss personnel, litigation, and/or rule violations. Management was asked to leave the meeting so that the Board might review a homeowner’s request in private.
Results Closed Session
Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Sandra Goldberg the Board voted unanimously to waive a late fee.
Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Sandra Goldberg the Board voted to remove an insurance fine. Bob Pierce, Phoebe Helm, and Sandra Goldberg voted against. This motion failed.
Upon due motion by Sandra Goldberg and seconded by Phoebe Helm the Board voted unanimously to grant an extension until December 7, 2006 to an owner for removing his car.
Upon due motion by Sandra Goldberg and seconded by Phoebe Helm the Board voted to consider a residents claim for damage in the garage. Bob Pierce, Phoebe Helm, and Sandra Goldberg voted against. The motion failed.
Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Sandra Goldberg the Board voted unanimously to make an offer of a total package to Chuck Brown to return as Chief Engineer.
Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Sandra Goldberg the Board voted to assess a fine of $300.00 for rule violations.
Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Sandra Goldberg the meeting adjourned at 9:00pm.
Bob Pierce, President
Phoebe Helm, 1st Vice President