Events Calendar
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2nd Floor Party Room
Call to Order at 7:45pm
Members Present
Michael Parrie, Monique Fouant, Catherine Kestler, Sheldon Atovsky, Jean Shamo
Dave Barnhart, Property Supervisor; Timothy Patricio, General Manager; Danny Bravman, Community Manager
Open Session
Board President Michael Parrie called the meeting to order and confirmed a quorum of Board Members were present.
Commission Reports
ASCO Liaison Catherine Kestler reported on the most recent meeting business including 10- year smoke detectors being mandated, neighborhood news and the status of Alderman candidates. She also mentioned that Unit Owner Betty Terry-Lundy will be hosting candidate Nick Ward in the Party Room on November 17th at 7pm. Michael Parrie also pointed out that while Owners and Residents may host candidates, the Board, Management and Association will not endorse or promote any candidates.
Acting Social Commission Chair Sheldon Atovsky discussed the recent movie night and karaoke night events and thanked volunteers and performers. He reported the Holiday Chorus disbanded due to a lack of interest. Their next meeting will by Tuesday November 15th via ZOOM. The Holiday Cheer event will be held on Friday December 9th at 5:30pm, and volunteers are needed. Also, Family Movie Night is planned for January 14th.
Acting Health Club Commission Chair Monique Fouant mentioned a meeting is planned via ZOOM at 4pm on Tuesday November 29th. Details will be posted.
Home Improvement Commission Liaison Michael Parrie reported the next Commission Meeting will be held Tuesday December 6th at 6pm in the Party Room.
Board Report
Board President Michael Parrie reported that the Board has met the Budget & Finance Commission for the past two Saturdays to discuss the proposed budget as presented by management. There is one final meeting, Saturday, November 19, from 9 am to 12 pm in the 2nd floor party room, and all owners are welcome to observe the process.
He acknowledged next week is Thanksgiving and that the Board would like to extend its thanks to all the Park Tower employees who take care of us and keep things running behind the scenes. He asked Owners and Residents to please consider these dedicated individuals during the holiday season via the Park Tower Employee Holiday Fund.
He also thanked owners and residents who contribute to Park Tower, from those who help out in the package room, to those who serve on our commissions, such as Health Club, Home Improvement, Budget & Finance, Social, and Rules & Regulations.
Closed Session Business
After a motion by Michael Parrie, seconded by Sheldon Atovsky, the Board of Directors of the Park Tower Condominium Association voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to waive a construction violation fine of $500.
After a motion by Michael Parrie, seconded by Monique Fouant, the Board of Directors of the Park Tower Condominium Association voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to fine 2 unit owners $100 for not having proof of insurance, which may double thereafter for each subsequent month, up to the maximum fine of $1,000 per month, until adequate proof of insurance is provided.
After a motion by Michael Parrie, seconded by Jean Shamo, the Board of Directors of the Park Tower Condominium Association voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to fine 3 unit owners $50 for not attending the new residents meeting, which may double thereafter for each subsequent month, up to a maximum fine of $200, until attendance to the meeting is satisfied.
After a motion by Michael Parrie, seconded by Jean Shamo, the Board of Directors of the Park Tower Condominium Association voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to fine a unit owner $100 for service elevator misuse, and may double for each subsequent occurrence, up to the maximum fine of $1,000 per occurrence.
After a motion by Michael Parrie, seconded by Sheldon Atovsky, the Board of Directors of the Park Tower Condominium Association voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to fine a unit owner $350 for an unscheduled move, $250 for disturbances, and $1000 for unlawful behavior, all of which may double for each subsequent occurrence, up to the maximum fine of $1,000 per occurrence.
After a motion by Michael Parrie, seconded by Monique Fouant, the Board of Directors of the Park Tower Condominium Association voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to fine a unit owner $1,000 for theft, and that the Board will reconsider the fine if the owner and resident can provide proof of order dated prior to theft and proof of delivery, and the fine may be applied for any subsequent occurrence with the maximum fine of $1,000 per occurrence.
After a motion by Michael Parrie, seconded by Catherine Kestler, the Board of Directors of the Park Tower Condominium Association voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to deny a unit owner’s request to remove of a garage license fees related to the non-return of the license stickers.
After a motion by Michael Parrie, seconded by Jean Shamo, the Board of Directors of the Park Tower Condominium Association voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to deny two unit owners requests for support animals, and that one or both of these requests be approved if new information is provided and if so recommended by the Board attorney.
After a motion by Michael Parrie, seconded by Jean Shamo, the Board of Directors of the Park Tower Condominium Association voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to write off an uncollectible bad debt in the amount of $35,016.45.
Michael Parrie mentioned the bad debt is related to a foreclosure event, and the Association expects to collect the 6 months of past assessments allowed by law.
Minutes – Board Meeting October 24, 2022
After a motion by Sheldon Atovsky, seconded by Catherine Kestler, the Board of Directors of the Park Tower Condominium Association voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to approve the minutes from the Board Meeting held on Monday October 24, 2022.
Minutes – Board Meeting November 5, 2022
After a motion by Sheldon Atovsky, seconded by Jean Shamo, the Board of Directors of the Park Tower Condominium Association voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to approve the minutes from the Board Meeting held on Saturday November 5, 2022.
Minutes – Board Meeting November 12, 2022
After a motion by Sheldon Atovsky, seconded by Catherine Kestler, and after discussion and amendment, the Board of Directors of the Park Tower Condominium Association voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to approve the minutes from the Board Meeting held on Saturday November 12, 2022, as edited.
Garage Power Wash Compliance Policy
After a motion by Michael Parrie, seconded by Sheldon Atovsky, and discussion the Board of Directors of the Park Tower Condominium Association voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to amend the garage power wash non-compliance fee and policy to a fee of $150 for the first failure by the parker to move their vehicle by 9am on their designated date for power washing, to double for subsequent events up to a maximum fee of $1000 per event, with the fees ineligible to be waived, and self-parkers will lose their permanent spot after three events on top of the fees though may choose to continue parking valet; furthermore parkers who request their vehicle be moved by the staff will be subject to a $100 fee, and the service will only be available with a minimum 7 day notice, and if room is expected by management to be available to accommodate parking based on occupancy at the time the power wash is scheduled.
Updated 22.1 Disclosure
After a motion by Jean Shamo, seconded by Monique Fouant, the Board of Directors of the Park Tower Condominium Association voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to approve the 22.1 disclosure as drafted with the best available information through September 2022.
2023 Office Holiday Schedule
After a motion by Catherine Kestler, seconded by Monique Fouant, and discussion, the Board of Directors of the Park Tower Condominium Association voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to formally accept and approve the holiday schedule for the management office as presented by the Habitat Company for the 2023 calendar year, with the office scheduled to be closed for the following holidays: New Year’s Day (recognized), Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and the day after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day, and early closings at 1pm the business day before each holiday with the exception of Martin Luther King Day.
Management Contract Extension
After a motion by Jean Shamo, seconded by Sheldon Atovsky, and discussion, the Board of Directors of the Park Tower Condominium Association voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to approve the management contract extension as proposed by the Habitat Company, for a term of three years, January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2025, at a rate of $10,600 per month for year one and two, and $10,812 per month for year three.
Landscape Maintenance
After a motion by Monique Fouant, seconded by Catherine Kestler, and discussion, the Board of Directors of the Park Tower Condominium Association voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to approve the landscape maintenance contract as proposed by Moore Landscapes, for a term of three years, beginning March 1, 2023, at an annual rate of $13,760 for 2023, $14,400 for 2024 and $14,960 for 2025.
Hallway Remodeling Mock-ups
After a motion by Michael Parrie, seconded by Monique Fouant, and discussion, the motion was amended and the Board of Directors of the Park Tower Condominium Association voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to approve proceeding as proposed for the hallway remodeling mock-ups of the 53rd, 54th and 55th floors, by Green Tech Decorating for carpentry and decorating, and Chicago Floor Systems for carpeting at a total expense of $68,394, and establish a preliminary budget of $2500 per floor for materials such as paint and wall paper, for a total expense altogether of $75,894.
Emergency Roof Repairs (2nd Floor Northwest)
The Board and Management discussed the potential for major repairs being needed to the 2nd Floor Northwest Roof, due to possible wind damage, and the potential for an insurance claim being made to help fund the needed repairs.
Life Safety Maintenance Contract
After a motion by Sheldon Atovsky, seconded by Catherine Kestler, and discussion, the Board of Directors of the Park Tower Condominium Association voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to approve the renewal of the Life Safety Maintenance and Inspection Contract with Fox Valley Fire and Safety, as proposed for a term of two years for annual routine inspection and testing of life safety systems and mechanical fixtures and equipment.
Appointment of Social Commission Member
After a motion by Sheldon Atovsky, seconded by Catherine Kestler, and discussion, the Board of Directors of the Park Tower Condominium Association voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to approve appointing Unit Owner Shalise Ayromloo to the Social Commission.
Treasurer’s Report
Board Treasurer Jean Shamo reviewed key details from the September 2022 Balance Sheet and Statement of Income & Expenses as reported by the Habitat Company.
At the end of September 2022, Operating assets totaled $1,888,561 and the Reserve cash and investments were $3,718,891 for a total of cash and investments of $5,607,452.
September 2022 Revenue and Expenses included Total Operating Revenue of $591,691, Total Operating Expenses of $398,208, a Deficit from Garage Operations of $2,671, and a Contribution to Reserve of $149,567, resulting in a surplus for the month of $41,245.
Management Report
Property Manager Tim Patricio reviewed business of interest, items from the most recent activity report and the most recent sales.
There being no further business, after a motion by Monique Fouant, seconded by Sheldon Atovsky, the Board of Directors of the Park Tower Condo Association voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to approve adjourning the November 14, 2022 Board Meeting at 8:56PM.
Signed (as seen on pdf of official minutes for this meeting, upper right corner of these minutes).
Michael Parrie, Board President
Sheldon Atovsky, Board Secretary