Events Calendar
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In Attendance
George Pauley, President; Michael Parrie, 1st Vice President; Tom Wartowski, 2nd Vice President, Betty Terry-Lundy, Secretary; David Nicosia, Treasurer; Tim Patricio, Property Manager; Mavis Mather, Assistant Manager Business Operations
Call to Order at 7:50 pm
Ad-Hoc Committee for Rental Policy (Jean Shamo)
Jean Shamo delivered a report on the first meeting of the Ad-hoc Committee on Rental Policy, Thursday July 24th. She briefly reviewed topics discussed by the members including ideas on limiting the number of rentals and units that can be held by investor owners. She noted the present members are only onsite rental owners (owners who live in a unit and rent another unit or units) and resident owners. She mentioned the Committee would really like on off site rental owner to join the Committee, so they are represented. The next meeting is Thursday July 31st at 6:30pm in the Party Room, and she encourages owners to join the meeting as members of the audience.
News and Social Media Committee (Bob Shamo)
Bob Shamo delivered a report on the meeting of News and Social Media Committee. He reviewed progress on organizing the various mediums the Committee expects to expand to, including, a facebook page and twitter account in addition to coordinating with Management’s weekly News and Updates. While the Committee is reorganizing, he announced there will not be a Tower Talk Newsletter this quarter, rather they are aiming for an October 1st print date.
Board Report (George Pauley)
Board President George Pauley spoke about the many projects currently underway within the Association including the exterior project which was included in the agenda for the meeting.
Motion to Amend Agenda
Upon motion by Michael Parrie and seconded by David Nicosia, the Board voted unanimously to add two agenda items: item 10 for the appointment of a temporary chair of the Rules and Regulations Committee and item 11 the amendment to the Rules and Regulations Committee/Commission charter.
Motions from Closed Session
Upon motion by Michael Parrie and seconded by George Pauley, the Board voted unanimously to find that 21 unit owners had not provided proof of insurance to the Association and received a Notice of Violation dated July 7, 2014 for hearings to consider the matter before the Rules Committee meeting held July 21, 2014, are in violation of Rules under Section “Insurance” on page 30, and shall be fined of $100 on each said unit owner and against the owners’ units.
Upon motion by Michael Parrie and seconded by George Pauley, the Board voted unanimously to fine a unit owner and tenant responsible for violating the Association’s smoking rules as described in the Notice of Violation dated June 20, 2014, case number 5.52.14, and considered at the Rules Committee meeting and hearing dated July 21, 2014, and that such conduct constitutes a violation of Rules under Section “Disturbances” on page 27 and “Smoking” on page 37, and to impose a fine of $250 on said unit owner and against the owner’s unit and to put them on notice that any further disturbances will result in escalating fines.
Upon motion by Michael Parrie and seconded by George Pauley, the Board voted unanimously to find a unit owner and tenant responsible for violating the Association’s noise rules as described in the Notice of Violation dated June 1, 2014, and considered at the Rules Committee meeting and hearing dated July 21, 2014, and that such conduct constitutes a violation of Rules under Section “Disturbances” on page 27, to impose a fine of $50 on said unit owner and against the owner’s unit, and to state in the letter that future violations will result in escalating fines.
Upon motion by Michael Parrie and seconded by George Pauley, the Board voted unanimously to find a unit owner and tenant responsible for violating the Association’s interaction with Board, management, staff, and neighbors as described in the Notices of Violation dated June 30, 2014, and July 17, 2014, case number 6.108.14, and considered at the Rules Committee meeting and hearing dated July 21, 2014, and that such conduct constitutes a violation of Rules under Section “Staff Complaints and Disputes” on page 13 and “Unlawful Behavior” on page 37, and to impose a fine of $1,000 on said unit owner and against the owner’s unit.
Plaza/Driveway Project
Upon motion by Tom Wartowski and seconded by George Pauley, the Board voted unanimously to approve tuckpointing and brick wall repairs as proposed by LS Contracting including wall removal and replacement adjacent to the Circle Drive, provided that after Phase 1 the Board and Management is satisfied that the brickwork is matching, and removing and resetting the copings with flashing at an amount not to exceed $176,000, pending receipt and review of the formal proposals by Management and the Association’s engineer with Wiss Janney Elstner.
Tom Wartowski leaves the Board Meeting, a quorum of Board Members is present.
Request to Combine Unit PIN
Upon motion by Michael Parrie and seconded by George Pauley, the Board voted to approve hiring Kovitz Shifrin Nesbit to prepare an amendment to the declaration to record physically combining units 4306 and 4406 into a singly recognized unit, the legal fees for which will be charged back to the Unit Owner. George Pauley, Michael Parrie, and David Nicosia voted in favor; Betty Terry-Lundy abstained; the motion passed.
Tom Wartowski returns to the Board Meeting, a quorum of Board Members is present.
Request for Service Animal
Construction Requests
Upon motion by Michael Parrie and seconded by George Pauley, the Board voted unanimously to approve the remodeling of unit 3912 as submitted by the unit owner, following the recommendations of the chief engineer as outlined in their written specifications and in accordance with the Rules and Regulations and remodeling guidelines of the Park Tower Condominium Association.
CD Transactions
Upon motion by David Nicosia and seconded by George Pauley, the Board voted unanimously to approve the CD purchase of a reserve CD at Wintrust Bank Old Town Branch for 18 months in the amount of $150,000.00 at a rate of 0.75% for the first 6 months, 1.00% for the second 6 months, and 1.25% for the last 6 months; a CD renewal of a reserve CD at Lakeside Bank for 24 months in the amount of $104,286.43 at a rate of 1.00% compounded quarterly; and a CD renewal of an operating CD at Lakeside Bank for 24 months in the amount of $26,045.91 at a rate of 1.00% compounded quarterly.
Ad-Hoc Committee Members
Upon motion by George Pauley and seconded by Betty Terry-Lundy, the Board voted unanimously to appoint Ken Anderson, Unit 3106 to be a member of the Park Tower Ad-Hoc Committee for Rental Policy.
Ad-Hoc Committee Chairperson
Upon motion by George Pauley and seconded by David Nicosia, the Board voted unanimously to appoint Jean Shamo to be the Chairperson of the Park Tower Ad-Hoc Committee for Rental Policy.
News and Social Media Committee Chairperson
Upon motion by David Nicosia and seconded by George Pauley, the Board voted to appoint Bob Shamo to be the Chairperson of the Park Tower News and Social Media Committee. George Pauley, Michael Parrie, Betty Terry-Lundy, and David Nicosia voted in favor; Tom Wartowski voted against; the motion passed.
Rules and Regulations Committee Chairperson
Upon motion by Michael Parrie and seconded by Betty Terry-Lundy, the Board voted unanimously to appoint John Spatuzza, Unit owner of 1204, as temporary chair of the Rules & Regulations Committee.
Rules and Regulations Committee Charter
Michael Parrie motioned that the Board amend the Committee Charter to include a membership requirement that Unit Owners must Live at Park Tower for at least 10 years. George Pauley seconded. The motion was withdrawn.
Upon motion by Michael Parrie and seconded by George Pauley, the Board voted to amend the Committee Charter to include a membership requirement that Unit Owners are not involved in more than one committee. George Pauley, Michael Parrie, Tom Wartowski, Betty Terry-Lundy, and David Nicosia voted against; the motion failed.
Michael Parrie motioned that the Board amend the Committee Charter to include a membership requirement that Unit Owners Attend four consecutive meetings. George Pauley seconded. The motion was withdrawn.
Upon motion by David Nicosia and seconded by Tom Wartowski, the Board voted to appoint Mary Toosi, Unit Owner 5206 and Chuck O’Bringer, Unit 1603 to be members of the Park Tower Rules and Regulations Committee. Tom Wartowski, Betty Terry-Lundy, and David Nicosia voted in favor; Michael Parrie voted against; George Pauley abstained; the motion passed.
Upon motion by Tom Wartowski and seconded by Betty Terry-Lundy, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the July 28, 2014 Meeting at 9:12 pm.
Signed (as seen on pdf, clickable at upper right corner of these minutes)
George Pauley, President (9/8/14)
Betty Terry-Lundy, Secretary (9/11/14)